
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Latest Security News

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<Content Page>
Last updated on 05 Feb 2012, Sun

This page consists of a summary of security news that I have collected through websites and blogs.

If you have any security sites to share, you can drop a comment at this page or at the shoutbox at the side.


26/01 - Opinion: Google's privacy change - evil or business as usual?
19/01 - Android Malware Targeting Users with Fake Android Market Website
12/01 - Android Rougeware targeting “Stevens Creek Software”
09/01 - Google Chrome to alert on malware downloads
06/01 - Google Chrome update

10/01 - First Patch Tuesday of 2012 covers 7 MS bulletins, 6 Adobe and tackles the BEAST
03/01 - Indian Cyberspace hit by Kim Jong-II Malware Mails!

23/01 - Fake Camera+ app hits the iPhone App Store
22/01 - Apple iPad 2 and iPhone 4S finally fall to jailbreakers
06/01 - Could Apple power cables help you remember your passwords?

20/01 - Beware of Fake FedEx Tracking Report Notification
18/01 - Fake emails- American Airlines
13/01 - Phishing Campaign Using Spoofed US-CERT Emails
09/01 - Is Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg giving away free iPhones and iPads?
03/01 - Indian Cyberspace hit by Kim Jong-II Malware Mails!

31/01 - HCG diet spam attack hits Facebook users, spreads rapidly
27/01 - Hijacking Facebook Credentials by Ramnit
27/01 - Facebook sues alleged clickjacking firm
27/01 - Poll reveals widespread concern over Facebook Timeline
25/01 - Chuck Norris is NOT dead - beware the Facebook scam!
23/01 - Free Amazon.com gift card promotion is a Facebook scam
20/01 - Beware of Free Facebook Mugs Scam
11/01 - Turn Facebook pink, red or black? Don't fall for online scams
10/01 - Baby cancer and heart transplant hoaxes on Facebook
06/01 - Adam Ant is NOT dead - despite what you may have read on the net

30/01 - NPAV - Net Protector AntiVirus truth exposed
30/01 - Scammers reveal features of brand new iPhone 5.. or do they?
25/01 - Symantec: Stop using pcAnywhere, right now
24/01 - Is the AnonyUpload file-sharing website for real?
20/01 - Click on an Anonymous link, and you could be DDoS'ing the US government
16/01 - Google Docs - a full-featured, full-service phishing facility?
05/01 - MyPermissions offers one-stop shop to clean up social media permissions

13/01 - Hotmail phishing: Don't send us the wrong password or we'll suspend your account!
10/01 - First Patch Tuesday of 2012 covers 7 MS bulletins, 6 Adobe and tackles the BEAST
02/01 - Microsoft has released an out-of-band bulletin MS11-100

16/01 - Will Twitter donate $1 for every retweet about baby with cancer? No. It's a hoax
03/01 - Walmart gift card survey spam spread via Twitter, with a twist of Geordie Shore

03/01 - XSS flaw in WordPress 3.3 - How the smallest things make testing tough



November(31 articles)

(1 or 3.2%)

01/11 - Socialbot Network finds it easy to harvest data from Facebook users

(1 or 3.2%)
23/11 - Phone Text Message Lottery Scam!

(1 or 3.2%)

October (46 articles)

(13 or 28.3%)

September (33 articles)

(11 or 33.3%)

August (45 articles)

(2 or 4.4%)

July (41 articles)

(5 or 12.2%)
(6 or 14.6%)

(18 or 43.9%)
23/07 - Amy Winehouse death video scams appear on Facebook
22/07 - Your Facebook Profile Stalkers exposed? No, it's a rogue application spreading virally
18/07 - This Girl must be out of her mind on live television - Facebook scam
14/07 - This g1rl must be Out of her Mind - Facebook scam spreading quickly
13/07 - Google+ invite scam spreads on Facebook via rogue application
12/07 - A spider under the skin? It's a Facebook survey scam
10/07 - Leaked video of Casey Anthony confessing? Facebook scam spreads quickly
08/07 - Facebook scammers spread app pretending to be 'Video Calling'
08/07 - Smiley hats and free Vans scams flood Facebook
07/07 - "Brother rapes sister video" scam: Why can't Facebook stop this?
05/07 - Free Apple iTunes Giftcard scam spreads on Facebook
03/07 - Ex girlfriend Facebook scams use shocking imagery, but spread quickly
03/07 - Fake Facebook Security Team phishes passwords from users
(4 or 9.8%)

(2 or 4.9%)

(4 or 9.8%)

June (42 articles)

(1 or 2.4%)

(2 or 4.8%)

(12 or 28.6%)

(12 or 28.6%)

(1 or 2.4%)

(4 or 9.5%)

(1 or 2.4%)

(2 or 4.8%)

(1 or 2.4%)

May (36 articles)

(3 or 8.3%)

(11 or 30.6%)

(1 or 2.8%)

(17 or 47.2%)

(2 or 5.6%)

(2 or 5.6%)

April(30 articles)

(1 or 3.3%)

(1 or 3.3%)

(2 or 6.7%)

(6 or 20%)

(14 or 46.7%)

(1 or 3.3%)

(2 or 6.7%)
(3 or 10%)

March(43 articles)

(1 or 2.3%)

(3 or 6.98%)

(5 or 11.6%)

(5 or 11.6%)

(19 or 44.2%)

(1 or 2.3%)
(8 or 18.6%)

(1 or 2.3%)

February (33 articles)

(2 or 6.1%)

(2 or 6.1%)

(2 or 6.1%)

(9 or 27.3%)

(14 or 42.4%)

(2 or 6.1%)

(2 or 6.1%)

January ( articles)

http://thehackernews.com/2010/12/voice-of-hackers-feedback-of-question-1.html (Image)

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