
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Password tips

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All Content | Last updated on 26June2011, Sunday

What is a password?
It is a secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication, to prove identity or gain access to a resource.

What the risk of not safeguarding your password?
People can log in to your account,commit crimes, steal your information such as credit cards transfer money from your bank etc.

Things to consider when creating a password:
1)Create a password that is easy to remember but difficult
for others to guess.

2)Create password consists of the combination of numbers,
upper and lower caseletters and symbols.(At least 8
alphanumeric characters.)
E.g. My password is "P@$$w0rd123".

3)DO NOT use any word can be find in the dictionary or your
personal information (Birthday, age etc) as your password.

How to Secure Your Password?
1)Do not reveal your password to anyone. Change your password reguarly.

2)Do not store or write your password in anywhere.

3)Do not allow the browser to save your password especially
if you are using a shared computer.

4)Log out and clear the internet cache after all transactions.

5) Update your Anti-malware and scan your computer for virus or spyware reguarly.

6) Do not type your password on your friends’ computers or public computers to access personal sites.

7)Do not use the same password to access all personal sites.

8)Be aware of who is around when typing your password

Some good tips:

-Generate random password-
Use a password generator by PCtools.
You can even download a offline version of the web-based Password Generator which allows you to securely and easily create passwords locally on your own PC.

*Since PCTools remove the offline version, I had upload it @ mediafire.

-Saving passwords-
Use either RoboForm or KeePass.

*Saving all the passwords in a software is quite dangerous in case is stolen but if we compared to ourself using 1 same password for all the websites, which 1 will be more dangerous? These softwares are encrypt and are stored inside your computer.

http://hackhaholic.blogspot.com/2011/06/hacking-windows-password-using-chntpw.html (Image)

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