
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Most commonly used keyboard shortcuts

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Content Page » Most commonly used keyboard shortcuts

[Last updated on 14/09/2010, Tue]

Colour code:

Control keys for Microsoft Windows. Might have different function for others.
This only work on browser, it might have a different function in other application.
Control keys for MS word. Might have different function for others.

Note:For those who are using laptop or whose keyboard is slightly smaller,
some functions are only activate when you press fn and the shortcut keys.
(E.g. Fn + prt sc = Take screenshot)

Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + B = Edit bookmark/Hide bookmark bar(Chrome)
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + D = Delete/Add bookmark
Ctrl + E = Centre
Ctrl + F = Find in page
Ctrl + G = Go to(page)- [Same function as Find]
Ctrl + H = Replace/Open history page
Ctrl + I = Italic
Ctrl + J = Opens download page
Ctrl + L = Left align/ Open location
Ctrl + N = New file/New browser window
Ctrl + O = Open file
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + R = Run command/(Refresh/Reload)/(Right Align)
Ctrl + S = Save/ Save Display in HTML*
Ctrl + T = Opens a new tab*
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + W = Close currently running window/browsing tab. It's is faster than the close button.
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + Y = Redo
Ctrl + Z = Undo

Ctrl + Alt + Prt sc = Capture Active Window
Ctrl + Shift + B = Opens the bookmark manager
Ctrl + Shift + T = Reopens the last tab you've closed
Ctrl + Shift + Delete = Opens Clear browsing Data dialog*
Ctrl + Shift + Esc/Ctrl + Alt + Del = Task Manager
Ctrl + Tab = Cycle through an application's window
Ctrl + "+" = Zoom in*
Ctrl + "-" = Zoom out*

Windows key + D = Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop
Windows key + E = Open a new window explorer
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + G = Cycle through gadgets
Windows key + L = Lock computer
Windows key + M = Minimize all windows
Windows key + P = Choose a presentation display modes
Windows key + R = Run command
Windows key + U = Open Ease of Access Center
Windows key + X = Open Windows Mobility Center
Windows key + Break/pause = System properties
Windows key + TAB = Cycle through taskbar buttons
Windows key + Shift + M = Restore minimized all windows

Alt + F4 = Shut down/Quit program
Alt + Tab = Switch between open program
Alt + Home = Opens your homepage
Alt Left/Right = Page Back/Forward
Backspace = Page Back
Delete = Delete
Esc = Stop/Cancel Action/Stop loading*
Home = Go to Top of the Page
Prt sc = Take screenshot

F1 - Help
F2 - Rename the selected item
F3 - Find next/ Search for a file or folder
F4 - Display the address bar list
F5 - Refresh
F7 - Spell/Check spelling
F12 - Save As

Ideas got from:

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