
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prevent framebreaker from loading

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[Last update on 07-06-2011, Tue]

Currently I'm updating the template of the site to make it look better which will take some time.
If you are interested, you can look at the current new site that i had design so far @ here.

What is a framebreaker?
It is a piece of JavaScript code that doesn't allow a Web page to be displayed within a frame. A frame is a subdivision of a Web browser window and can act like a smaller window. This kind of script is often used to prevent a frame from an external Web site being loaded from within a frameset without permission. Sometimes it redirect you into other websites.

Also known as a framekiller/framebuster.

Example of framebreaker.

So why do we sometimes need to prevent framebreaker from loading?
For people who is earning online from PTC's, this is a very important to them. If they visit a website and the website uses a framebreaker, he will not get credited from visiting the website.

Another danger is that it redirects you to another website which might lead to a malicious website.

To solve these problems, here are some of the ways to fight it:

1) NoScript - Allow active content to run only from sites you trust, and protect yourself against XSS and Clickjacking attacks. (This is the most effective way) This stops most of the frambreaker ads I ever see.

Firefox add-on:

2) ESC way - Since there are no NoScript add-on for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. The only way to stop the framebreaker is to press esc(This need some skills as you need to wait for the advertisement to load finish and before the framebreaker exit the current page.)

This method might not work on some framebreaker.

3) The ultimate way to stop framebeaker. Sometime when something forced you too much, the solution just come out from the mind. :D I should thanks to those frambreaker's member who use it at Mindbux(A PTC site) to trigger me with this perfect solution.

The first 2 ways should be able to stop most of the framebreaker ads since Noscript and the "Esc" way are prevent most of the script to run.

Ok, since you are reading the 3rd solution, I assumed that the first 2 had failed.

- Firstly, I recommend using Google Chrome as it is easier to use and one of the best browser to study code for website. Other browser will do but I will explain using Google Chrome.

- Secondly, you need to take note/copy the address of the framebreaker ad.

- Thirdly, re-open the framebreaker ad and wait for the bar on top to load finish and quickly press esc.

- Next, Right Click on the white area and select Inspect element.

[To view the enlarged version of the image, click here]

- Next, Type/paste in the link you had copied to seach for that link on the webpage. It should right beside " < i frame scr "

[To view the enlarged version of the image, click here]

- Next, click on "Edit as HTML"

[To view the enlarged version of the image, click here]

- Lastly, Change the address to something else like yahoo.com. After changing, click on the white space area and yahoo will load and so does your timer will load.

[To view the enlarged version of the image, click here]

By the way, you need to add Mindbux(This apply to other sites as well) to the safezone for Noscipt. Otherwise most of the thing in Mindbux will not work like timer, buttons etc.

To enable script on the site, just click on Noscipt in Firefox and select Allow "Mindbux.com".


If this had help you to stop framebreaker ads or you like about this site, you can thanks me by "like" this site on facebook @here. You can also share this page if you like.

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Thank you for this awesome advice, works like charm ! :)

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